Aboudy Kreidieh
  • Name: Aboudy Kreidieh

  • Role: Ph.D. Candidate

  • Organization: UC Berkeley

  • Email: akreidieh@gmail.com

About Me

My name is Abdul Rahman (Aboudy) Kreidieh. I am a Ph.D. candidate at the University of California, Berkeley, currently advised by Alexandre M. Bayen. I am a member of Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research (BAIR), Berkeley Deep Drive (BDD), and California PATH, and have previously served stints at Toyota InfoTech Labs, and Nissan Alliance SV Lab.

I am interested in studying the societal impact of autonomous systems in mixed human/automated settings. Throughout my Ph.D., I've worked on designing tools that help pose such problems in the field of mixed-autonomy traffic, and have explored the efficacy of machine learning techniques in solving for societally beneficial equilibria within such tasks. I hope to one day design systems that enable automated vehicles or other controllable infrastructure to improve the throughput and efficiency of traffic in even sparsely automated transportation settings.

In my free time, you can find me catching the latest Liverpool F.C. game, binging as much content as I can handle, and, you know, stuff that sounds cool to you too.


Flow is a tool for simulating interactions between human-driven and autonomous agents in mixed-autonomy traffic flow settings. It combines popular traffic microsimulators (sumo, Aimsum) and reinforcement learning libraries (RLlib, stable-baselines, etc.) within an MDP formalism of traffic whereby features such as network geometry and agent behaviors may be flexibly assigned. You can learn more about these findings and explore the framework for yourself via the links and papers below.

Webpage: https://flow-project.github.io/
Code: https://github.com/flow-project/flow
Selected publications:


CIRCLES is a multidisiplinary initiative aimed at demonstrating the efficacy of small penetrations of automated vehicles at reducing global energy emissions in congested highway networks. In November 2022, CIRCLES conducted the largest open-track traffic experiment to date, in which a fleet of 100 vehicles were deployed in Interstate I-24 within Nashville, Tennessee in an attempt to regulate human-driven factors to traffic congestion. You can read more about these efforts via the links below.

Webpage: https://circles-consortium.github.io/
Selected publications:

Inter-Level Cooperation in Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

Agent Trajectory       Goal       Apple (+1)       Bomb (-1)    

Standard HRL
Cooperative HRL

Hierarchical RL techniques present promising methods for enabling structured exploration in complex long-term planning problems. Similar to convolutional models in computer vision and recurrents models in natural language processing, hierarchical models exploit the natural temporal structure of sequential decision-making problems, thereby accelerating learning in settings where feedback is sparse or delayed. Such systems, however, struggle when concurrently training all levels within a hierarchy, thereby hindering the flexibility and performance of existing algorithms. In this study, we draw connections between these and similar challenges in multi-agent RL, and hypothesize that increased cooperation between policy levels in a hierarchy may help ameliorate hierarchical credit assignment and exploration. We demonstrate that inducing cooperation accelerates learning and produces policies which display better transfer to new tasks, highlighting the benefits of our method in learning task-agnostic lower-level skills.

Webpage: https://sites.google.com/berkeley.edu/cooperative-hrl
Code: https://github.com/AboudyKreidieh/h-baselines
Selected publications:

Journal Publications

Refereed journal publications (published, in press, accepted)

  1. Unified Automatic Control of Vehicular Systems With Reinforcement Learning. Z. Yan, A. Kreidieh, E. Vinitsky, A. Bayen, and C. Wu. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2022
  2. Flow: A modular learning framework for mixed autonomy traffic. C. Wu, A. Kreidieh, K. Parvate, E. Vinitsky, and A. Bayen. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2021
  3. Multi-receptive field graph convolutional neural networks for pedestrian detection. C. Shen, X. Zhao, X. Fan, X. Lian, F. Zhang, A. Kreidieh, and Z. Liu. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 13(9), 1319-1328, 2019

Refereed journal publications (in review)

  1. Inter-Level Cooperation in Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning. A. Kreidieh, G. Berseth, B. Trabucco, S. Parajuli, S. Levine, and A. Bayen. Journal of Machine Learning Research (in review), 2021

Conference Publications

Engineering and computer science conferences (published, in press, accepted)

  1. Learning energy-efficient driving behaviors by imitating experts. A. Kreidieh, Z. Fu and A. Bayen, IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022
  2. Non-local Evasive Overtaking of Downstream Incidents in Distributed Behavior Planning of Connected Vehicles. A. Kreidieh, Y. Farid, and K. Oguchi. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV). 2021.
  3. Learning Generalizable Multi-Lane Mixed-Autonomy Behaviors in Single Lane Representations of Traffic. A. Kreidieh, Y. Zhao, S. Parajuli, and A. Bayen. International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2022
  4. Integrated Framework of Vehicle Dynamics, Instabilities, Energy Models, and Sparse Flow Smoothing Controllers. J.W. Lee, G. Gunter, R. Ramadan, S. Almatrudi, P. Arnold, J. Aquino, ... and B. Seibold. Proceedings of the Workshop on Data-Driven and Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems (pp. 41-47), May 2021
  5. Continual Learning of Microscopic Traffic Models Using Neural Networks. YZ. Farid, AR. Kreidieh, F. Khaligi, H. Lobel, and A. Bayen, 100th Annual Meeting Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2021
  6. Guardians of the Deep Fog: Failure-Resilient DNN Inference from Edge to Cloud. A. Yousefpour, S. Devic, B. Nguyen, A. Kreidieh, A. Liao, A. Bayen, and J. Jue, AIChallengeIoT’19: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Challenges in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Internet of Things, pp. 25-31, New York, USA, Nov. 2019
  7. Lagrangian Control through Deep-RL: Applications to Bottleneck Decongestion. E. Vinitsky, K. Parvate, A. Kreidieh, C. Wu, Z. Hu and A. Bayen, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), 2018
  8. Dissipating stop-and-go waves in closed and open networks via deep reinforcement learning. A. Kreidieh, and A. Bayen, 2018 IEEE conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Maui, HI, 2018, Paper 732
  9. Benchmarks for reinforcement learning in mixed-autonomy traffic. E. Vinitsky, A. Kreidieh, L. Le Flem, N. Kheterpal, K. Jang, C. Wu, F. Wu, R. Liaw, E. Liang, and A. Bayen. Conference on Robot Learning (pp. 399-409). PMLR, October 2018
  10. Flow: Deep reinforcement learning for control in sumo. N. Kheterpal, K. Parvate, C. Wu, A. Kreidieh, E. Vinitsky, and A. Bayen. EPiC Series in Engineering, 2, 134-151, 2018
  11. Emergent behaviors in mixed-autonomy traffic. C. Wu, E. Vinitski, A. Kreidieh and A. Bayen, Conference on Robot Learning, 2017
  12. Multi-lane Reduction: A Stochastic Single-lane Model for Lane Changing. C. Wu, E. Vinitsky, A. Kreidieh and A. Bayen, IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Apr. 2017

Engineering and computer science conferences (in review)

  1. Failout: Achieving failure-resilient inference in distributed neural networks. A. Yousefpour, B.Q. Nguyen, S. Devic, G. Wang, A. Kreidieh, H. Lobel, and J.P. Jue, arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.07386, 2020

Workshops / Tutorials

Lagrangian Control for Traffic Flow Smoothing in Mixed Autonomy Settings

Organizers: Alexandre Bayen, George J. Pappas, Benedetto Piccoli, Daniel B. Work, Jonathan Sprinkle, Maria Laura Delle Monache, Benjamin Seibold, Cathy Wu, Abdul Rahman Kreidieh, Eugene Vinitsky, Yashar Zeiynali Farid
Time and Location: Conference of Decision-Making and Control (CDC), 2019
Webpage: https://cdc2019.ieeecss.org/workshops.php

Session Title
1 Means Field Models
2 Deep Reinforcement Learning (RL)
3 Verification of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs)

Tutorial on Deep Reinforcement Learning and Transportation

Organizers: Alexandre Bayen, Cathy Wu, Abdul Rahman Kreidieh, Eugene Vinitsky
Time and Location: IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2018
Webpage: https://ieee-itsc.org/2018/tutorials.html

Session Title Slides
1 Welcome, opening remarks Download
2.a Reinforcement learning Download
2.b Q learning Download
3.a Policy gradient methods Download
3.b Non-policy gradient methods Download
4 Deep RL from a transportation lens (model-based RL and inverse RL) Download
5.a Tools of the trade (SUMO) Download
5.b Tools of the trade (Flow) Download
5.c Tools of the trade (Ray RLlib) Download
6 Hands-on tutorial on //Flow Download
7 Advanced topics in deep reinforcement learning (multi-agent RL, representation learning) Download


EE290O | Deep multi-agent reinforcement learning with applications to autonomous traffic

Organizers: Alexandre Bayen, Eugene Vinitsky, Aboudy Kreidieh, Yashar Zeiynali Farid, Cathy Wu
Time and Location: University of California, Berkeley, Fall 2018
Webpage: https://flow-project.github.io/EE290O/
Lecture / Homework Notebooks: https://github.com/flow-project/EE290O

E7 | Intro to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers

Time and Location: University of California, Berkeley, Spring 2017

  • Led lab sessions consisting of around 20 students and mentored their development.
  • Formulated homework and exam problems in Matlab.